Kartikey, Sales Professional, India

To be honest I would have been on and off with the kit if it wasn’t for the support. The Ritual Kit helped me to build a habit of Reflection. It’s easy but it needs patience and dedication. My favorite prompts are rest, success, and...

Kiran, HR Professional, India

I did reflect on and off but I did not have any system around it. I just did it when I liked it and how I liked it. This provided a system and sessions complemented to help me move forward towards my goals. Overall, I have seen a huge difference in my self-confidence...

Vipin, Manager, India

I was not someone who would sit and write. But I learned to trust the journey and gave it a shot. It did take time to get used to the ritual but reminders helped me to stay on track. Being Coached is much more than just coming for a 1 on 1 session. I improvised this...

Sneha, L&D Professional, India

Initially, it was a bit difficult because I am not used to reflecting every single day but gradually my days felt better and then started feeling incomplete without it. It has made a huge difference in how I handle my day and manage my attention and time. In the end,...

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